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Buy Esomeprazole DR Online

What is Esomeprazole used for?

Esomeprazole is prescribed to treat stomach and esophagus issues (like acid reflux and ulcers). It functions by decreasing the amount of stomach acid you make. It can relieve symptoms like difficulty swallowing, persistent cough, or heartburn. Esomeprazole helps to prevent ulcers, heal acid damage to the esophagus and stomach, and might help prevent esophagus cancer.

Esomeprazole is part of a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors. If you are using the over-the-counter version of this medication it can be used to treat frequent heartburn. Ensure you read the package instructions carefully for all OTC products.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Esomeprazole

    DISCLAIMER: The following information is exclusively presented to provide information on esomeprazole and is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice from a professional. Always talk to your doctor for advice regarding your medical condition or treatment plan. Never ignore professional advice on Nexium or delay in seeking it because of the information given here.