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Buy Chloroquine Online

What is Chloroquine used for?

Chloroquine phosphate is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of malaria caused by mosquito bites. Malaria parasites enter the body through mosquito bites in countries where malaria is common. The parasites then live in body tissues such as the liver or red blood cells. Chloroquine works to kill the malaria parasites living within the red blood cells. If you have malaria parasites living in other bodily tissues you will be prescribed an additional medication to kill those parasites. Both medications may be needed to completely cure malaria and prevent relapse. Chloroquine is part of a drug class called antimalarials.

The United States Centers for Disease Control give frequently updated travel recommendations and guidelines for the malaria prevention and treatment in different parts of the world. Talk with your doctor about this before travelling to parts of the world where malaria occurs.

Chloroquine can be used to treat other conditions such as infections caused by ameba, or lupus erythematosus. Talk to your doctor about these uses of Chloroquine to see if it is a good fit for your treatment.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Chloroquine

    DISCLAIMER: The following is presented for exclusively informational purposes for consumers who are deciding where to buy Chloroquine. This is not intended for use as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek out a physician or other licensed health care provider’s advice for your medical condition or treatment plan. Do not ignore professional advice or delay seeking it out because of the information provided here.