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February is American Heart Month. Not only because it's the month when we celebrate Valentine's Day, but also a time to focus on our cardiovascular health.

American Heart Month is a federally designated event. It is a reminder to focus on our hearts and to encourage the same to our families, friends and community. President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed The first American Heart Month in February 1964 Proclamation 3566 on December 30, 1963.

The Heart

Our cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels. The heart pumps blood into the lungs so it can pick up oxygen and then pumps oxygen-rich blood to the whole body. It is a muscular organ and is located in the center to the left of the chest. The size of an adult fist is the average size of a heart.

The heartbeats are evidence that the heart is pumping. Doctors often describe the sound of the heartbeat as "lub-dub". The heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times the heart beats within a minute. The heart rate goes up when the body needs more oxygen (such as during exercise). The heart rate goes down when the body needs less oxygen (such as during rest).

Heart Disease

Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect your heart. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of women. It is killing more women than all forms of cancer combined.

Symptoms of heart disease in your blood vessels

  • Chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure and chest discomfort (angina)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in your legs or arms if the blood vessels in those parts of your body are narrowed
  • Pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper abdomen or back

Heart disease symptoms caused by abnormal heartbeats (heart arrhythmias)

  • Fluttering in your chest
  • Racing heartbeat (tachycardia)
  • Slow heartbeat (bradycardia)
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting (syncope) or near fainting

When to see a doctor

Seek emergency medical care if you have these heart disease signs and symptoms:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fainting

Make Your Heart Happy

Certain types of heart disease, such as heart defects, can't be prevented. However, the same lifestyle changes that can improve your heart disease can help you prevent it, including:

  • Don't smoke.
  • Control other health conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week.
  • Eat a diet that's low in salt and saturated fat.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Reduce and manage stress.
  • Practice good hygiene.

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Causes and Effects of Pulmonary Artery Hypertension https://ycdscc.com/causes-and-effects-of-pulmonary-artery-hypertension/ Wed, 27 May 2020 04:29:00 +0000 https://oakbankhealth.ca/causes-and-effects-of-pulmonary-artery-hypertension/ If you have pulmonary artery hypertension may buy generic Revatio online because they have read that it is the medication prescribed for the condition. It is important to consult your ...

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If you have pulmonary artery hypertension may buy generic Revatio online because they have read that it is the medication prescribed for the condition. It is important to consult your physician to understand the risks and benefits of a particular drug prior to taking it.

It is rare for a doctor to encourage you to buy generic Revatio online because of the complications that may arise. If you do not know much about pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) there are some things to consider before consulting your doctor.

What is PAH?

This is a condition that affects the right side of the heart and arteries in the lungs. Pulmonary Artery Hypertension is actually a kind of high blood pressure only that it affects just the arteries in the lungs and heart.
PAH causes the blood vessels in the heart and lungs to narrow and that restricts the smooth flow of blood. The restriction of blood flow increases the blood pressure in these organs.

Signs of Pulmonary Artery Hypertension

There are usually no early signs of this problem. You can have PAH for years and yet not know because the symptoms are minor. As a person gets older, however, the situation can get worse and they start to show the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness which sometimes results in fainting
  • Feeling tired even without so much exertion
  • Running out of breath as you exercise or even when at rest in severe cases
  • Swelling of the ankles and part of the foot
  • As the disease progresses even the stomach may swell
  • Chest pain

Causes of PAH

  • The causes may vary, but it has been noted that people with a family history of PAH are more prone to developing the condition in their later years although sometimes even in their 30’s. So old age and genetics are the most common causes.
  • Hypertension is usually associated with being overweight. People who are fat and don’t indulge in exercises are more prone to PAH.
  • Some people develop the condition as a result of other ailments they may have like HIV and liver cirrhosis.
  • Complications with the lungs can result in obstruction of blood flow which will cause hypertension. At times even a blood clot in the arteries may cause the complication.
  • Congenital conditions developed from birth can be responsible for the development of PAH.

Complications Caused by PAH

People with PAH are likely to develop irregular heartbeats also known as arrhythmia. This condition can be managed with medication or an operation. A more dangerous complication is blood clots in the smaller vessels. These can be life-threatening since they block blood flow to the heart.

Pregnant women can develop complications with their pregnancy. This can be a danger to both mother and child. If a patient starts to cough out blood, it means the lungs are inflamed and that needs urgent attention or it can result in death.

PAH Treatment

A medical doctor would have to examine the patient to diagnose the seriousness of the problem and then prescribe the right treatment. The drug Revatio can be used to relax the muscles in the blood vessels so that blood can flow normally. The other complications would have to be treated separately as well.

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All you Need To Know About Epipen https://ycdscc.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-epipen/ Tue, 25 Feb 2020 06:03:36 +0000 https://oakbankhealth.ca/all-you-need-to-know-about-epipen/ The human body is prone to diseases and allergies that can be detrimental to your health. There are plenty of medications that are used to suppress the allergy symptoms and ...

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The human body is prone to diseases and allergies that can be detrimental to your health. There are plenty of medications that are used to suppress the allergy symptoms and improve your situation. From oral medicines to injections, there is a specific treatment for every disease. You just need to find the ideal medications for particular ailments. Allergic reactions are common and can be caused by nearly anything. 

There are various medications and treatments for allergic reactions. EpiPen is a popular injection that comprises of epinephrine. It is a chemical that helps in narrowing the blood vessels and opening the airways in the lungs. This injection ideally comes handy in the cases of high blood pressure, skin itching, hives and other allergic symptoms. 

Ideally, EpiPen Canada is used to treat allergic reactions that could be caused by an insect sting, food, drugs and other allergic agents. Those who have a previous history of severe allergic reactions must keep this medication handy for self-injection. 

What Do You Need To Consider Before Taking EpiPen?

There are plenty of things that you need to consider before taking EpiPen. To decide whether EpiPen is the right choice for you, you need to be open with your doctor. Tell your doctor, in case you have any below mentioned health issues:

  • High blood pressure and heart diseases
  • Asthma or asthmatic allergies
  • Depression or any other mental illness
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Diabetes

Other than these issues, you should be open about any health complication that you are facing or have faced previously. Allergic reaction during pregnancy can hurt both the baby and the mother. It is essential to understand that EpiPen should be taken in an emergency situation only, you should never take EpiPen in extreme situations.  

How Should You Use EpiPen?

It is an autoinjector that is ideal for single use. You should read the information on the prescription label when you get your medication refilled. You must take the medications as per your doctor’s prescription to get the best results. Children should be kept away from EpiPen. Only in rare cases, are children supposed to use EpiPen. Epipen is injected directly into the body usually into the outer thigh. It is a self injector you can easily use it on your own without any assistance. 

The Bottom Line

Allergic reactions can be discomforting and lead to severe problems as well. Hence, it is important to take the right medication at the right time to steer clear from severe allergic reactions.

Epipen is a vital injection containing epinephrine that helps in regulating your pressure on your lungs. This is commonly used for allergic reactions. You should not take this medicine without a doctor’s prescription. It would be best if you read the instruction on the device package before taking the dose. Epipen is generally taken on emergency cases. 

The above mentioned was some of the important information that you need to understand about EpiPen before start using it. 

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Everything You Need to Know About Xarelto https://ycdscc.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-xarelto/ Tue, 21 Jan 2020 01:40:25 +0000 https://oakbankhealth.ca/everything-you-need-to-know-about-xarelto/ There are so many different diseases and medical conditions that can adversely affect our bodies. You need to take good care of your health to avoid unnecessary problems. Luckily, we ...

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There are so many different diseases and medical conditions that can adversely affect our bodies. You need to take good care of your health to avoid unnecessary problems. Luckily, we are living in an age where there is a medication for everything. While there are so many available medicines, many people do not know why they are prescribed them, or how to use them. Do not forget we need to do everything possible to take care of our health.

Use of Xarelto

For example, Xarelto is one of the drugs that people can use in order to stop blood from clotting in veins and arteries when the heartbeat is irregular. Many people may also get blood clots after a knee or a hip replacement surgery and be prescribed Xarelto during recovery. Since Xarelto is an anticoagulant, it prevents the formation of specific proteins that lead to blood clots. 

Xarelto prices in Canada

Lower than in the US. It is the main reason why people order this medication from Canada or different countries. The best part is most of the drug stores online also provide a no-risk guarantee. This provides people with access to brand name medication for less to help lower medication spending.

Consult With the Doctor

In most cases of knee or hip replacement surgery, doctors will prescribe Xarelto. If your doctor prescribed you a different anticoagulant consult them on their reasoning and come to a solution together. If you want to avoid blood clotting, you might want to check with them to see if they have plans to prescribe this medicine at a later stage. If yes, that is fine.

However, you should never take this medicine without consulting with the doctor no matter what. You can ask your doctor about different medications, but only ever take what they prescribe you.

Side Effects of the Xarelto

Here are some of the side effects that one might face when they use this medicine:

• Headache
• Dizziness
• Weakness in the legs
• Nosebleeds
• Paralysis
• Prolonged bleeding from cuts
• Difficulty with swallowing and in breathing
• Spitting up blood when coughing
• Back pain
• Vomitting blood
• Dark brown or red urine
• Tarry, black, or red stools
• Unusual vaginal bleeding
• Increase in the menstrual flow
• Bladder or bowel dysfunction
• Bleeding in the gums

These are some of the side effects that one might face but this is not a complete list of side effects. If the side effects get worse, or if you are experiencing some other symptoms, you should reach out to your doctor immediately so that they can reduce the dosage or change your medication. 

Speak With the Customer Service

Since Xarelto prices in Canada are low, you should contact the customer service of the online stores that are selling this product and speak with them to learn about all the available options. 

Check the details on the website before placing your order. If you are running out of the medication, you should plan on ordering the medicines well in advance so that you can get the pills on time.

The post Everything You Need to Know About Xarelto appeared first on Your Canada Drug Store.
